“Napapijri was born at the highest peak in Europe in the shadow on Mont Blanc in 1987, where an Italian manufacturer of travel backpacks gave a new breath to the outdoor style by combining innovative materials as well as special attention to aesthetics.
Through its evolution, the brand has become a strong presence in the field of Premium Outdoor Fashion, guided by the triptych of success: Design, Sustainability and Innovation. Constantly exploring new technologies and innovations, it is evolving, pioneering, while constantly maintaining its timelessness.
The store at Golden Hall is one of the largest Napapijri stores in Europe where you can find a wide range of clothing, accessories and footwear for men, women and children."
Fashion experts and aficionados treat you with some game changing tips and advices for you and your style.
Fashion experts and aficionados treat you with some game changing tips and advices for you and your style.
Product prices may change at any time without further notice.
Please contact the store for the current availability and the current price. Golden Hall is not responsible for any price changes.